Young mister Mohamed has become the poster child of Muslim victimization. He has been invited to the White House, offered a job at Facebook (when he gets older of course), and told to enroll at MIT (also when he gets older) by MIT all in an effort to shame those of us who might think that it is completely acceptable for school officials to take action if a student brings something to school that might be suspicious or that the police should take action if a bomb might be involved. The lesson that we are all meant to learn is that it is completely irrational to fear Muslims no matter what they are doing. This is the idea that is being implanted into the minds of the masses.
If what we had been told at first was the whole truth then there might be reason to feel bad for this kid, who seems to be enjoying his new found celebrity, but there does seem to be just a little bit more to the story. In an interview with Eyman, Ahmed’s sister, it came to light that she had been suspended from the same school district as Ahmed over, of all things, an alleged bomb threat. Then a simple background check shows Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, Ahmed's father, to be a political activist who had run for President of his native Sudan twice and made national headlines when he got involved with the Rev.Terry Jones' Koran burning "trail" as the Koran's "defense attorney". What does any of this have to do with the bomb-clock event? Well let's just say that it is likely that this family might have had some idea both how this would look and what the reaction might be.
Many who have taken the time to scratch beneath the surface of the media narrative are now asking if this might not have been a planned event designed to get Ahmed suspended and gain attention. The arrest may not have been part of the plan but it certainly didn't hurt the cause. Those who have even a cursory understanding of Islam are left wondering if this isn't part of a propaganda campaign designed to convince everyone that to be suspicious of Muslims, regardless of the circumstances, is to be Islamophobic. If a young boy has a device that in any way looks like a bomb, you must be a hateful bigot to think it might be a reason for concern. After all, when have children ever been used to attack the enemies of Islam anywhere in the world?
Whether you believe that this was just an unfortunate set of events resulting from prejudice and fear or you are thinking there might be a little more to it, there is one simple fact that you must know. There is no such thing as Islamophobia. Islamophobia is a word made-up by the Islamic-apologists who want you to ignore those who are sounding the alarm of the dangers of those who would force Sharia upon you, your neighbors and everyone else you know. A phobia is by definition an irrational fear of something. For any non-Muslim there is a ton of very rational reasons to fear the spread of Islam and more importantly stand against it .
If you are a non-Muslim then you are a Kafir, a word meaning one who conceals the "truth" of Islam. In the teachings of the Islamic "holy" texts, by not embracing Islam you are hiding the truth, as Muslims believe, that every person on the planet will become Muslim or submit to total rule by Muslims. If you are Kafir then you are the enemy of Islam and it is not only acceptable but encouraged that Muslims deceive, plot against, hate, enslave, mock, torture, and do worse to the Kafir. Sixty four percent of the Koran, thirty seven percent of the Hadith and eighty one percent of the Sira is devoted to telling the Muslim how to treat the Kafir so it is safe to say that more than half of Islam is focused on the treatment of non-Muslims.
Another fact that all non-Muslims need to know and understand is that Islam is not a religion. Islam is a philosophy for world domination. It is a philosophy that has a religious component but in it's whole it is a doctrine for conquest which includes strict rules for all to live by a.k.a. Sharia. Sharia covers everything from finance to dress codes to public behavior. And yes, the Kafir are expected to live under Sharia wherever Islam is dominant.
While it may be true that not all Muslims want to behead Christians, burn alive Jews, or turn little, non-Muslim, girls into sex slaves; it is certainly true that Islam teaches that all Muslims should in fact do this things. It teaches that those who will not convert are less than human and should not be viewed as if they are human. It is also true that because of the practice of Taqiyya it is impossible to know which Muslims would prefer to simply live in peace and which are merely waiting for the time to act. For these reasons, and more, it is completely rational if you are a freedom loving, non-Muslim, to be concerned about the spread of Islam and Sharia. If it is rational then, by definition, there is no such thing as Islamophobia.