Lee Rigby, an innocent British soldier who had been attending an Army recruitment event in London. He was identified and then brutally murdered by these two savages. The two jihadist in question, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, after murdering Fusilier Lee Rigby, then stood around giving an Islam-inspired rant to the shocked onlookers and members of the public who had tried to help the victim.
Fast forward to May 22nd 2017. Ariana Grande, an American singer and actress best known by conservatives for her pro-refugee, anti-America, anti-Americans, anti-Trump statements, was the featured performer in a music concert in Manchester, England. Once this concert was over and the crowd was leaving Salman Abedi, the 22 year old son of Libyan immigrants, detonated an improvised explosive device killing himself and 22 others as well as injuring 59 innocents mostly teens and children. (Ms. Grande's primary fan base.)
Today, as we have far too often, we mourn the loss of those taken by the forces of darkness claiming to be warriors of Allah. Today we face the stark truth that no one is safe from the wrath of jihadists who set the their sights on the infidels; not women, not children, no one. Today we once again see proof positive that Islam is not a religion of peace but a ruthless philosophy for world domination that hides it's intent by invoking an uncaring god that you must kill for in order to impress him enough to guarantee your entry into heaven. In Muhammad's own words: Bukhari (52:256) - The Prophet... was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, "They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans)." Muhammad establishes that it is permissible to kill non-combatants in the process of killing a perceived enemy.
So what has changed in the four years between the merciless killing of Lee Rigby on the streets of London and the slaughter of Manchester's children? Politicians have ignored their government's responsibility of vetting immigrants and refugees throughout the Western World. They have criminalized free speech when that speech calls into question the source of the problem or the politician's policies and labeled it "Hate Speech". They have redirected resources and in places like Germany even taken homes from citizens to accommodate the ridiculous number of unvetted people who have moved throughout Europe claiming Mohamed as their profit. They have made-up new words like Islamophobe to demonize anyone who cries out for a return to sanity.
But, that's not all that has changed. The people are growing more and more frustrated with the forces of Political Correctness and the politicians who are failing to put the safety of their own people ahead of their misguided policies of appeasement or advancement of so-called progressivism. More of the people are coming to realize that many of those politicians have been knowingly lying to them all along even if they aren't sure why they have been lying. A time is coming that if the politicians don't start doing the right thing, the people will take matters into their own hands. If and when that day comes it won't be pretty and worse, it may be innocent people who are on the receiving end of the backlash. Many Western people often confuse Sikhism with Islam and there are many Muslims who want nothing more than to live a happy, productive life in peace with their neighbors it is only those who embrace the way of jihad that are a threat to Western culture.
Let us mourn. Let us not overreact. But for the sake of all the innocent blood that has been spilled and for all of the innocent blood yet to be spilled but can be saved, let us take action. We must choose leaders that will stand against the evil of jihad. We must demand a return to common sense and an end to political correctness. We must stand with others who will fight for liberty and freedom, whether they be our next door neighbor or "Across the Pond".