There is no shortage of events that occur in academia that raise eyebrows for conservatives. The advent of Free Speech Zones and cry closets have been the topic of many conversations and don't get me started on all of the "activities" that are part of "Sex Week" on a number of campuses across the country. But often, the hardest to wrap your mind around can be the choices that colleges and universities make in hiring.
Even the casual observer has to admit that there is, at the very least, a left-lean in the administrations of institutions of higher learning. Over time a lot of the course work has changed from straight-edge fact-based to "woke" narrative. It is no longer a surprise to anyone that these organizations hire people who will promote their preferred world view. But sometimes, we still see what looks like "hold my beer" actions.
Back in September of 2020, a few people dared to question Harvard when they decided to tap Chasten Buttigieg (Pete Buttigieg's husband) as a fellow at Harvard University's Institute of Politics. Chasten is an author and LGBTQ+ advocate with degrees in theater, global studies, and education. The question was asked about his qualifying "political" experience. Still, since the fellow position leads a conversation once a week - not gives a lecture - the issue seems unimportant to the powers that be at Harvard. In mid-October, Texas State University made public their newest political science teacher, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke. The failed Democratic Presidental candidate who still wants to "come for your AR-15s" is to begin teaching via online class starting in the spring of 2021. Not to be out-done, Georgetown University has hired disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok.
The university lists Strzok as an Adjunct Professor. He will be teaching a course on Counterintelligence and National Security, which explores the theory and practice of counterintelligence as a part of U.S. national security. I suppose from the "Orange Man Bad" perspective, he is a good choice. (At least they are asking him to teach an ethics class.)
Peter Strzok does have two decades of counterintelligence experience at both an operational and policy level. Georgetown wants this class taught from a practitioner’s perspective, and Strzok certainly checks that box. But shouldn't integrity factor into who is employed to teach young people pursuing a career in law enforcement or national security?
Peter Strzok engaged in an illicit affair with a married woman, morally questionable but not disqualifying in today's society. He actively used his position in the FBI to affect who would be residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He was too busy work on "an insurance policy" to be bothered with things like Hillary Clinton e-mails discovered on a Carlos Danger, I mean Anthony Weiner laptop. The blatant corruption of acting as a political operative rather than an agent of law and order should be disqualifying. Unless what Georgetown is really hoping to teach is how to weaponize federal agencies against political rivals rather than criminals and terrorists.