There are currently three major scandals hounding the White House; the Benghazi talking points, the IRS singling out of conservative and Jewish groups making it harder for them to get Tax-exempt status (in an election cycle) than it should be while easily granting the same status to “so-called progressive” and Islamic groups, and the Justice Department spying on reporters at the Associated Press. (Not to mention that now the EPA is also conducting internal investigations to see if they too were being unfairly harsh on conservatives.) As completely outrageous as any of these issues happen to be it is even more outrageous that there are still those who continue to ignore the gravity of what has occurred in each of these cases. Both politicians and a few members of the main stream-media (although most are clearly upset over the whole spying on the AP thing) are now claiming that there are no scandals. They are claiming that all of this is just made-up by the evil conservatives in order to have “something/anything” to attack the Messiah about. I can understand the politicians trying so very hard to spin in order to protect the image of the party but at this point who is out there still drinking the “Kool-Aid”?
In the past few days Princess Nancy of Planet Pelosi has been saying to anyone who will listen, that Obama is just such a visionary and that the Republicans have no choice but to latch-on and blow up such “non-issues” because conservatives simply can’t challenge his intellect and his eloquence in speaking to the American people. She has also said that he is so in-touch with the American people. Jay Carney has been making the rounds too, telling Piers Morgan that the media is “concocting scandals that don’t exist.” (I almost feel bad for Jay Carney, after all it is his job to go say whatever the Administration tells him to go say. But then I remember… he wanted this job and at some point if his integrity meant enough to him, he’d walk away.) Even Harry Reid has tried to down play the IRS bit by saying that it has happened before, that the other side has done it, it’s no big deal. I’m not sure at this point what would be worse; if these people actually believed what they have been telling everyone, or if these people are truly willing to say and do whatever it takes to hold on to their power.
For me, and millions of other Americans, Benghazi is about a heck of a lot more than the talking-points. It is about the failure of the State Department and the White House to do the basic job of threat assessment and to act accordingly. It is about the administration’s desire to paint a political picture (that Al-Qaeda was in decline) rather than to deal with the reality on the ground. (Not to mention the fact that they may very well still be trying to cover-up the fact that they were recruiting and arming Al-Qaeda to go fight in Syria.) The talking point do however, clearly show that the White House and the State Department were knowingly lying about what happened and what they knew about it in a CYA move meant to protect Obama’s re-election campaign. Now regardless of what else whoever may or may not know about the Benghazi attack there was a time in America that if you were caught knowingly lying to the people it would have been enough to have you carried out of town on a rail and certainly would have marked the end of your political career. Not for these guys, it seems to be a case of “quick tell a new lie to cover the last lie” or let’s move on to the next flub-up and hope they forget about the last one.
In our government we need many departments to be non-political. We must have people in these rolls to understand that they are public servants. It is there job to perform their duties without regard to race, sex, age, religion, or political leanings. The IRS and the Department of Justice are two of the biggest examples of such functions within our government. Both have failed on this count. The IRS has targeted groups based on political ideology and religion (in an election cycle) in order to make it harder for them to have an impact in the election process. Then once the truth could no longer be hidden(a watchdog group was about to release a report) they issue an apology. In an effort to avoid taking responsibility they then blame two low level employees in one office. (It is very unlikely that all of the issue could be contained there.) Obama comes out claiming ignorance of the IRS targeting saying that he is angry about it and that it is unacceptable, but there is no immediate course of corrective action mentioned other than to say that the “two low-level employees” will be disciplined. After it’s clear that the media and the people want more, then Steven Miller (the acting IRS director) resigns. Want to know why that still doesn’t make conservative happy? Because Steven Miller was leaving in June anyway and the lady who was in charge of the IRS office where the targeting was taking place has been promoted and now is in charge of the IRS’s Obamacare office. (Yes that’s right ladies and gentlemen, if you didn’t already know, the IRS is in charge of enforcing Obamacare.) I have heard many say that this is chilling that the IRS or any part of our government would be actively involved with intimidation and restriction of our election process to me it has had quite the opposite effect. I am hot! I am so very hot and angry that here in America this could happen and go on for as long as it did and then the people who are supposed to be in charge act as if it should be good enough when they say “I didn’t know”.
One can’t help but wonder what was going on at the Justice Department when someone decided that it would be a good idea to spy on the folks working for the AP. There is no question that most of the main-stream media has openly worked to protect and promote Obama and his agenda. So, then why risk losing the best ally you have when it comes to convincing the people to accept your agenda? Simple, silencing the leaks (the whistleblowers) was more important in there estimation. The media has been in the bag for the administration for so long now that it must have seemed like a very small risk compared to the risk of letting certain people talk to the press. But then that raises the question of what it is they don’t want getting out for public consumption. Regardless, much like with the IRS, laws were broken and it just isn’t good enough that the people in charge don’t know anything about it. There is no doubt that there can be no justice if the Justice Department is being run by criminals. Eric Holder demanding respect in a congressional hearing is almost as funny as Princess Pelosi saying that Obama is in-touch with the American people. Holder should have been fired when he refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for intimidating voters in 2008, but if not over that then he should have been forced to resign over Fast and Furious. With that in mind I would think most reasonable people can understand why folks might not be willing to just take their word for it when they say “I didn’t know”. Why keep someone around in a key role if you know that he is either incompetent or a criminal? Again simple, he is either doing what you wanted him to do or you want to keep him around to be the fall guy when stuff really hits the fan.
In the past these kinds of actions would have sent many heads rolling. The media would not let go of the stories without there being resolutions and the American people would not simply grab the clicker and flip over to re-runs of thirty minute sit coms without caring that with each one of these transgressions our freedoms and our safety is being eroded. Much of the American public has been asleep when it comes to our political system and thanks to the pretty words of liars and a press that has abandoned it’s roll as watchdog to become an advocate for the false dream of utopia there has been no sense of alarm to awake them.
But now, there is a new tone, a tone that could very well lead to the end of careless disregard by the public. Now, as the lie that is Obamacare reveals itself to the working poor who so desperately need help and wanted to believe, there is a chance to open the eyes of more people than ever. As it is made apparent that Obamacare was never meant to reduce our costs, only to push us all into accepting a single-payer system (with most of us thinking it was our choice) now is the time to explain why they must buy insurance that they already could not afford and why that insurance must become more expensive when they buy it. Make no mistake, the other guys will try to blame it on those mean old insurance companies but remind the public about how these people so obviously lie and then lie about lying (see Jay Carney earlier; there are no scandals). Now is the time to reach out to those who still want to believe, because now is the time that the truth is clear… this Administration is pushing their agenda the consequences to the American people be damned!
In closing, no Nancy conservatives don’t need to grab onto “non-issues” to have excuses to attack the Occupier we need to make sure all Americans know the truth about real issues because to this point the press has not. No Harry, you are wrong, regardless of who’s in charge when the IRS abuses it’s power it is a big deal! No Jay, the press and the big scary conservatives are not just concocting scandals your boss is doing that all on his own by not honoring his oath to protect and defend the Constitution! No Eric, you do not deserve respect for your job title while you have done nothing to earn respect that comes with job performance. No Chris Matthews, we are not opposed to the criminal policies of the Obama White House because of racism but because those policies are often criminal and almost totally unconstitutional. We know, however, liars are going to lie and politicians are going to try to protect their party so we don’t expect you to change or to come clean until you have absolutely no choice. I do hope that all of the press has learned from that awkward moment when they found out that this Administration is more than happy to use them but in no way sees them as a real partner for change (they are no more special than the public). That leaves my final question for the average Democratic voter. You’ve been watching this unfold. You now know that they have been lying to you, that they are still lying to you (there is no point in lying to the people who wouldn’t support them anyway). Are you still going to support them? Are you going to accept their lies and say to them that it’s okay to lie to me because you are just so much smarter than me and you know what’s best for all of us? Are you just going to keep on drinking the “Kool-Aid”? If so…. Then what’s wrong with you?