Many of the world's greatest scientists and inventors have ignored what the rest of the world had considered obvious in the act of discovering new truths and in the act of creating everything from the light bulb to the nuclear bomb. Every actor, musician, and athlete who achieved fame has ignored to obvious fact that odds are against them and made a name for themselves no matter what big city or small town they were from. And every heart that just accepted the obvious has proven that the inverse is also true, that if you don't try then the best you can ever hope for is a life of mediocrity. Greatness never happens by accident and luck is simply where hard work meets opportunity.
The idea of sharing a quote like this is to (hopefully) inspire someone to do something fantastic, amazing or simply not give-up on following a dream or life in general. The problem with inspiring some people is their goals may not be honorable. A great example of this would be the people who hate the U.S. Constitution and hide their distaste for personal liberty by calling themselves "Progressive" and convincing others to join them through the guise of caring for the "poor" and the "underprivileged". Some of these people are globalists who want to dissolve borders to make it easier to profit or rule the masses, some are eugenists who have the goal to rid the world of who they deem "undesirable", but most are just followers who haven't seen through the lies, agendas, and propaganda. These people can also be inspired and the enemies of the Republic the Framers gave us have ignored the obvious.
There was a time in American history when no one living here would believe that we as Americans would turn so far from God. Despite the insistence of ideologs like Barack Hussein Obama this nation was built on Christian values and the Founders acknowledged that only a moral people were capable of having and maintaining a republic. But the so-called Progressives ignored the obvious fact Christian homes made up the overwhelming majority of America and over time convinced the people that when the Framers said "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" that they meant there should be an unbreachable separation of church and state. (Which isn't what they had in mind but say that in public or on social media and watch how many people agree with you.) By ignoring the obvious the so-called Progressives have changed our culture from one that valued moral behavior to one where there is sex, drugs and immoral lifestyles glorified on the free airwaves of radio and television. Today there are more people who can name all of the Kardashian family than can name both of their Senators and the Vice President.
There was a time in the United States when is was "obvious" that there could be no such thing as a career politician. The government was put in place to conduct the People's business. There wasn't money for big salaries or benefit packages so there was no incentive to go to Washington and stay. If the people of your district chose you to serve, you went, it was an act of service, and then you came back home because your life was your business or your farm. At that time you had a life to get back to because you were not going to get rich in Washington. Then there was no need for term limits because the life left back home required your return. The so-called Progressives ignored the culture of honorable service and began convincing office holders to vote themselves higher and higher salaries and to take full advantage of the lack of term limits. By ignoring the obvious the Progressives have turned Washington D.C. from a place of honor to a place where individuals can go and become multi-billionaires if they can just get re-elected a few times. How much of the People's business do you think they are doing?
There are other examples that are easy to point out "gun control", media bias, the definition of marriage, gender identities, and many other "issues" that would have never been issues without the push from the so-called Progressives. The slow, patent nudges from master manipulators with the goal of erasing borders or erasing entire groups of people and using those very people they wish to eradicate along with the countless, well-meaning, useful idiots to do the dirty work for them. In truth, there are way to many to list here but if you know what to look for, then you can see them for yourself. They have ignored the obvious and accomplished the impossible; they have nearly destroyed our Republic and convinced millions of people that anyone who would dare question them or challenge them must be a bigot or racist or just a hateful soul.
Now it is obvious that they are winning. It is obvious that the Republic is pretty far gone. It is obvious that there are few who can be trusted to fight for the Constitution and fight for the People. It is obvious that there are surprisingly few people left who even know how our Republic is supposed to work and why. But now comes the good news. You and I can ignore the obvious. The so-called Progressives want us to believe that it is too late, that they have already won, that there is nothing we can do to turn the tide. They want us to believe that so that we won't even try, and they don't want us to try because they know that it is just not true. We can stand together, work together, and bring together enough folks to reverse the damage. It won't be easy. The odds sure aren't in our favor. It's obvious that it may be nearly impossible so please let me remind you... "If You Ignore the Obvious You Can Accomplish the Impossible" - Tim Tapp