My first question would be “Why is a group of eight to ten teenagers attacking people with hammers and other blunt objects at a train station so close to the University of Minnesota not dominating the current news cycle?” The answer is of course “Protect the narrative.” Sadly, we live in an age where most media outlets are more concerned with doing their part in the grand social engineering project than they are with actually informing you. So, protect the narrative.
The next question would be “Was this racially motivated?” The answer – protect the narrative. We have been told by the race hustlers and the MSM that only white, conservatives can be racist. We have been told that only “institutional racism” is real racism thereby allowing people on the left to ignore the actual definition of the word racism while they insist on using the word to silence or demonize those who might disagree with them on some socio-political topic. The account of the witness who said that they seemed to be “attacking anyone who looked like they had money or were white” sure sounds like race was a factor; but asking the question opens the door to challenging the narrative.
My next question would be “Why should the fact that these teenagers are Somali effect news coverage?” The answer - protect the narrative. Many Americans have been asking for immigration and asylum reforms and enforcement, but we have been told by politicians – and the media – that everything is fine. There isn’t anything wrong with how things are being done now unless you’re racist and in that case everyone else should ignore you. If the media were to cover this story it might raise questions about the need for reforms, some people might try to use this story to promote the idea of stricter enforcement of current laws. Talking about violent and or criminal immigrants or refugees opens the door to challenging the narrative.
Rep. Ilhan Omar, who herself is a refugee from Somali, represents this district which is sometimes referred to as Little Mogadishu. Omar has been caught-up in controversies involving anti-Semitic statements, siding with terrorist warlords in regard to the 1993 Mogadishu raid that most Americans know from Black Hawk Down fame, and even called the 9/11 attacks an event where “some people did something.” Omar seems the perfect choice to represent Little Mogadishu and such an attack on random travelers seems more in line with Mogadishu than with an American city like Minneapolis; leading to my next questions “Is this a cultural issue?” and “Has Ilhan Omar’s statements – without any consequences from her fellow Democrats – further emboldened people like these teens to act in this fashion?” But we have been told that all cultures are of equal value and that diversity for the sake of diversity is of greater value than our cultural norms (like following the law, not randomly attacking people on the street, etc.). Asking these questions opens the door to challenging the narrative.
The MSM has a vested interest in protecting the narrative at this point because of how long that they have been peddling the talking points of the leftist agenda. There are so many different parts of the narrative that are exposed to scrutiny in this one news story. Reporting on this one might lead to the few people left that still trust them to begin questioning the trustworthiness of the mainstream media that has been telling everyone for so long that there is nothing to worry about. The only option to protect the narrative is too ignore this one … at least until they figure out how to spin it.
Hat tips to Elizabeth Vaughn of Red State, Matt Vespa of Townhall, Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit, and Alpha News MN for their part in doing the job that the rest of the media won’t do. (Here is the Minneapolis Police Department dispatch audio.)