The following is a short list of things that every non-Muslim in a Western nation should keep in mind when the Sharia question comes around.
1.) Freedom of Speech ???
Insulting the Prophet Muhammad, Allah, and the Quran are considered blasphemy. Many times the punishment is death, even if there is no proof the crime was committed.
2.) Freedom of Religion ???
A person is guilty of apostasy if they were born or raised a Muslim and choose to leave the religion. This is sometimes applied to those who convert to Islam later in life, then choose another religion thereafter. The punishment is usually death by hanging.
3.) Women’s Rights ???
a.) Beating, divorce, or even killing of a wife if she is “disobedient” or brings shame to her husband is the norm. b.) A woman with a lower level job will almost always lose custody of her children in a divorce.
c.) Women must dress “modestly” at all times. Whether this means wearing a full hijab and burka, or covering the arms and legs, some “clergy” allow for the raping of women who are considered immodest. d.) Foreign non-Muslim women can be considered sex slaves, as per the Quran, and may be held for that purpose. e.) In cases of rape,
a woman must provide male witnesses, normally 4, or she will be convicted of adultery, for which the punishment is usually lashing or death.
4.) Child Marriage ???
Child marriage is different from country to country, however, many make it acceptable to marry very young girls since the prophet married his wife Aaliyah at the age of 6. Marriages may be arranged, or even carried out, at any time after birth, with consummation legal by age 8 or 9, again as Muhammad did.
Throw in Sharia’s absolute zero tolerance of homosexual activity, punishable by lashing, stoning, imprisonment or death and you have to wonder why liberals are so quick the defend Islam and the “merits” of Sharia. These are not rare, extreme parts of Sharia that no one follows; these are some of the main tenants of the system. With this in mind, I think that an honest discussion would be the right thing so if that earns me the title of “Islamophobic” then so be it.