I have been saying for months now the intersectionality is doomed to fail. I have seen the signs for some time however, it wasn’t until a conversation with Don Smith of The Don Smith Show (great conservative talk show host by the way; look him up if you don’t already listen) that it clicked in my mind that there is an expiration date on the leftist alliance. But let me offer up some supporting evidence. I saw three news stories from the U.K. this past week (and no they had nothing to do with protesting President Trump’s visit) that when taken together I think demonstrates why the cobbled coalition of special interest groups will only hold together for a limited time.
First, for the benefit of anyone who may not know, intersectionality is the idea that all of the various groups that feel they have been marginalized, persecuted, or are the victims of some form of bigotry should unite for their common good. It began as part of a feminist philosophy but was soon adopted by other leftists who saw the value of bringing these different groups together in order to push back against their common political enemy … conservatives. You see, leftists are very well read and draw tactics from many sources including Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. “The enemy of my enemy” and all that. However, there is something a little different in our modern world that Sun Tzu never had to contend with in his day, but I’ll come back to that later.
The first of the three news stories demonstrates how the left tries to push the P.C. agenda on the rest of us. John Berkow, the speaker of the United Kingdom’s House of Commons, made the statement that LQBTQ rights must always be considered as more important than religious rights. He was speaking to an organization called PinkNews when, channeling Hillary Clinton, he said that LGBTQ rights are “Human rights”. Now I would have interjected that religious rights have been considered “Human rights” throughout the Western world for better than two centuries now but I was not there. Bercow claimed to "respect people’s rights to adhere to and profess their faith," but went on to say that when "somebody’s adherence to faith on the one hand and the acknowledgment of and demonstration of respect for human rights" come into conflict, "the latter has to trump the former." In simpler terms, the LGBTQ agenda is more important than anyone’s religious liberties.
The second story demonstrates what happens when you don’t play by their rules. Dr. David MacKereth, a 55-year-old doctor who had worked for NHS since he was 29 was fired from his job as a health and disability assessor. He had started training for the new job back in May of this year and before that he had been an Emergency ward physician. According to Mackereth, he was required to refer to patients or clients by there self-identified gender on official reports. Mackereth recalled, "I said that I had a problem with this. I believe that gender is defined by biology and genetics”. This doctor of 26 years has been relieved of his duties because he wouldn’t play along with the P.C. game on the grounds of science. Heaven forbid that a doctor might recognize, that in some cases, knowing the actual gender and having it in the report might affect outcomes. Possibly even effect life and death decisions for patients. Dr. Mackereth stated that he believed it was wrong to engage in this practice and because he challenged the purveyors of intersectionality protections he now faces the ending of his career.
The third news story demonstrates what happens when the members of different factions come in conflict with one another. At the recent London Pride Parade, a group of “lesbian activists” disrupted the event. It seems that the group of eight women were unhappy at the inclusion of transgender people. It would appear that these folks have come to the conclusion that trans-women are not biological women. Once you accept that basic truth you then must also accept that there are differences between biological men and biological women. To say that a man can be a woman simply because he feels that he is one is to say then that there is nothing inherently special about being a woman thereby negating female empowerment. (I think you can see how the thread continues to pull the different groups apart here.) These “activists” realized that trans-women are biological men so they are of no practical use to lesbians. Pushing an agenda that supports trans-people, at best distracts from the LGB cause and at worst works against the LGB and Third-wave feminist causes. These lesbians aren’t the first to recognize the contradictions among the coalition nor do I image they will be the last.
Recently in Seattle, members of Antifa became at odds with members of the local members the Democratic Socialist of America when they felt betrayed as the police showed up many of the DSA left the Antifa folks to the mercy of law-enforcement. Last summer in South Carolina, at a LGBTQ parade, members of Black Lives Matter demanded that police not be involved in helping to secure the event. The organizers of the parade disagreed and there was a very loud and very public disagreement. The truth remains a simple one; all of these different groups may think of conservatives as their enemy, but their goals are not the same.
The fundamental flaw with intersectionality as it has been made manifest under the modern leftist is something Sun Tzu never had to contend with in his day. (See, I told you I’d come back to it.) These different groups are not warriors waiting to be led into political battle by a unifying force against a common enemy. They are instead competitors in another game of the left’s creation; who’s the most oppressed, who’s the biggest victim. In the battle to show that they are the biggest victim, of capitalism, of society, of the heterosexual, cisgendered, white men, or whoever or whatever is holding them back; they must form a hierarchy and in doing so there will only be more riffs among them. It is only a matter of time before many of them will see each other as a bigger rival than conservative. And the clock is ticking.